Natural Sheep Sausage Casings

Sheep Casings, Tubed or Preflushed, 90 meters/hank

Sheep casings are the highest quality small diameter casings used for sausages such as: Bockwurst, frankfurters, wieners, Snack Sticks, Chipolatas,Polish Kabanosy and breakfast sausage links. These casings combine tenderness with sufficient strength to withstand the filling, cooking and smoking operations. Their diameter varies from 18 – 28 mm.

The casings are preserved in salt and will last for at least 1 year in your fridge.

These casings are popular for use when making Pepperoni Sticks, Chipolatas, Breakfast sausages,  Pepperoni Sticks, and Droewors sausages.

china sheep casing factory
china sheep casing factory
china sheep casing factory